Chiltern Barn Conversion, Oxon

David was asked to provide designs to undertake a barn conversion and works to some associated farm buildings within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The long term aim being to develop the farm buildings as both a home for an extended and growing family. 

Alongside this was a requirement to provide supporting facilities for the ongoing development and management of re-wilded sustainable environments in the surrounding landscape.                  

The farm buildings consist of a farmhouse, barn and ancillary structures situated around a North facing courtyard with views to the South. The barn had been part converted to residential use previously. It is attached to the existing farmhouse to form a long pendulous sequence of residential spaces around two sides of the courtyard. 
To the South open meadows rise towards the horizon and along the Western boundary, lies a ribbon of trees.

Evidence indicates that the existing barn was probably originally two individual buildings. The southerly end is constructed of masonry with simple timber trusses. The northern end is older and of timber frame construction on sleeper walls with trusses featuring curved under rafters bearing onto the main tie beams, unique to the area.

The farmhouse orientated North South, is a tile clad two storey house with a hipped roof. 

The clients required the domestic spaces to be consolidated and rationalised into domestic spaces for a growing family. Alongside this was a requirement to provide space for machinery necessary to maintain the sustainable management of wildflower meadows and indigenous woodland.

Environmental surveys revealed a maternity roost of long eared bats and these required accommodating within the design proposals.

A new single story link unifies the existing barn and associated outbuildings while continuing the established circulation route. 

The designs for the barn conversion propose a series of double height spaces revealing the roof profile and allowing daylight into the heart of the spaces, whilst celebrating the scale of the existing building.

The images show work in progress and the project is ongoing.