The Importance of Surveys

Before starting on any renovation, new build or barn conversion project you will need to gather as much site information as you are able to. Increasingly, planning authorities also require different kinds of impact assessments to accompany applications.

Both aspects involve commissioning surveys.


Below is a simple guide to some of the more routine surveys that might be required for a renovation or a small development project:

  • Measured Surveys: undertaken in order to prepare drawings of the existing site.
  • Structural Surveys: undertaken by structural engineers to assess the existing structure.
  • Drainage Surveys: usually undertaken by CCTV to record and assess the condition of the existing drainage.
  • Timber Surveys: to record any defective timber and identify instances of wet or dry rot, damp ingress and insect infestation.
  • Contaminated Land Surveys: to assess the quality of soil on previously built on sites, often termed ‘brownfield sites’ that may have been used for industrial processes.
  • Environmental Surveys: to record any protected wildlife inhabiting the site together with any invasive or protected plant species.
  • Traffic Surveys: to assess the traffic and parking usage of a site and whether there are stresses on facilities.

Of course, as ever if you would like to discuss surveys or any other aspect of a project, please feel free to get in touch.